Each Founder is an ordained minister through the Universal Life Church.
Mary and Hannah
Mary and Hannah are generational experiencers in UFOs, ETs, and the paranormal. Their experiences have opened doorways into psychic phenomena which give them insight into the complexities of this and the multiple worlds that surround them. Over the past two decades, they have spoken at various conferences, groups, radio shows, and have co-hosted Star Seed Awakening with Miesha Johnston on KCOR RADIO. Their experience as past Executive Members of the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum has given them opportunities to understand the realm as a whole.
They have experienced various ET forms including; Greys, Blondes, Reds, Reptilian, Draconian, Mantis, Lyrans, Carians, and other unknown classifications of races. In their extraordinary book, “Signature of an Abductee” they have shared some of those experiences and how they have come to a higher spiritual understanding, and acceptance, of a world that has many faces. Living in this world they have created, “Crystal Contact Oracle” which combines the mineral kingdom with the extraterrestrial phenomena and galactic writing, based on their own personal experiences. Through their many experiences, they designed, “Contactee Journal” to document their experiences, which is available for anyone to use. Mary and Hannah have done pendulum work for over two decades and have now designed and published, "Personal Journal for Intuitive Pendulum Practices."
They have cleansed and banished locations; corporations and residential. They have also given spiritual advice to those who seek it.
They continue to seek advancement in their training and are currently at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to receive their practitioner’s diplomas in wellness and nutrition. Both are Licensed Massage Therapists, Reiki Master Teachers, and work with crystals to facilitate vibrational shifts. See personal bios for more information.

Abe and Mary
They have been married for 20 years and continue to grow as a couple. Abe and Mary were Executive Members of the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum from its inception in 2007 - 2016.
Abe is an empath, intuitive, and remote viewer. He experiences sightings of UFOs, encounters with dimensional beings including ghosts, ETs, and other life-forms. He considers himself a follower of Christ's energy but is open to other paths of beliefs. He loves sharing and coming up with new ideas, projects, and bringing laughter and joy to any conversation.
Mary is an empath, intuitive, psychic medium, tarot and oracle card reader, and remote viewer. Her experiences include generational abduction/contact, ghosts, ETs, and other life-forms. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, CNMT (Certified Neuromuscular Therapist), Integrative Arts Healing Practitioner with a focus in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner, Certified Crystal Reiki Practitioner. She has spoken at conferences since 2001 and has had her artwork displayed in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She continues with her work through various forms of writing, studies, artwork, and spiritual practices. To find out more about Mary click here.
Joshua and Hannah
They have been married for 5 years. Joshua and Hannah were Executive Members of the New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum. Hannah started from its inception in 2007 - 2016 and Joshua from 2014 - 2016.
Joshua is an empath, intuitive, rune reader, and remote viewer. He is a Pagan/Wiccan and loves history along with outdoor activities. He follows the Gods and Goddesses and loves to share his knowledge of history and other mystical ideas.
Hannah is an empath, intuitive, psychic medium, tarot and oracle card reader, and remote viewer. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, CNMT (Certified Neuromuscular Therapist), Master/Teacher Reiki, Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner, Certified Crystal Reiki Practitioner. She has spoken at conferences since 2010. She looks at life in an energetic way and doesn’t focus on one subject. In 2010 she became a Certified Herbalist through Dr. Low Dog Foundations in Herbal Medicine. Hannah is about to have her second book out, "Path to Handfasting," which she started after her own ceremony. She continues with her work through various forms of writing, studies, artwork, and spiritual practices. She is currently training at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to receive her practitioner’s diploma in Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching specializing in Culinary.
To find out more about Hannah click here