Spiritual Mysteries of the Universe and Multiverse Realities
by Mystical Signatures a.k.a Mary Munoz
Experiences, Speculation, & Wonderment
An ongoing look into the life in the questionable!

Knowing Your Truth
February 15, 2025
Who is right, and who is wrong?
Hearing that statement, "You have it all wrong!" "You must listen to my talk!" "I can set you right!" in my previous post only solidified my belief that most individuals in the world, whether in the unknown or not, are only there to be the authority, whether experienced or not. The unknown base their position mainly on interviews without ever having authentic experiences. Nothing can be more enlightening than seeing a ghost, UFO, UAP, Extraterrestrial, Elemental, or having paranormal activity. Other authorities base their information on their training, which can be generally one-sided, what they were taught to believe instead of believing from experience.
Before seeking out assistance through hypnotherapy to validate what I already knew, I lived life around the phenomena through the eyes of a child. I remember my first experience, or so I thought, seeing an object in the sky glistening, but it wasn't a star; it was daytime. The rest of the day was a blur. The presence of missing time didn't affect me as much as my view on God and reality.
From that moment, at age 12, I saw God as a figure above the Earth, watching in on us, and that reality lay just beyond the dome that held the planet where it did. Surprisingly, ten years later, I would experience a moment when I woke up remembering being shown a grid around the Earth. Its design, I was told, was to hold individuals from remembering who they indeed are. What is its purpose if this is fact and not some deranged dream? Why imprison a spirit on a planet to subjugate their abilities and their true heritage. Who benefits? And this, readers, is the rabbit hole spoken about in Alice in Wonderland. The phenomenon has many rabbit holes.
Little did I understand the concept of being intuitive. I grew up in a 'not so' Christian environment; both parents had differing beliefs about how to worship. My stepfather was Church of Christ, which he never attended. My mom was Methodist, borderline Catholic. In her world, we spent summers at church camp to give her a break until she moved to where we live now. Then, it was mandatory to go to worship every Sunday. I enjoyed the fellowship of those my age, and we catapulted spitwads from our straws in the back row. I tried to be a good Christian girl, but it didn't work. Even after having my child, I went back, but by then, I learned that reading the Bible gives you more information than the ministers or preachers, and with that knowledge, you attain empowerment. Add to a spiritual epiphany, grounding you into the knowledge you are more than words in a book. You could glean where the bullshit began and ended.
Then, my biological dad walked in around age seventeen, who was different from the two. Breath of fresh air. His church activities were unknown to me other than seeing a portal in one church in Clinton, Oklahoma, as an adult and, my favorite, being baptized, completely dunked, and flinging out of the water as if he survived some cataclysmic event of uncertainty. It was hilarious to watch. I have never seen water fly so high and far as in that day. Talk about narcissistic drama! Even the front row was wiping off their glasses, songbooks, and Bibles. The minister made a joke. Before the baptismal, my dad questioned what would occur to him when he came out as if he was scared of something, but would never elaborate; it's called water, or he was afraid his demons would be exorcised.
I will admit that our last talk, maybe two and a half years back, would indicate that he is more Christian than not. I wonder if it was due to his fleeting years and concern about going to hell. Maybe his past met up with him, and he had regrets, which is likely what happened. He is the only one who can answer that question because I am not him. Rabbit hole number two, trust.
Even though my mom raised me, my dad was detached until I was seventeen. My childhood mimicked him, and we both questioned the status quo. The common denominator was our experiences with ghosts, UFOs, UAPs, Extraterrestrials, Elementals, or other paranormal activity. We don't take anyone's information at face value. We constantly research, consider, balance it with personal experiences, and decide if it is right for the individual we are. So when someone approaches and tries to tell me, "You have it all wrong!" "You must listen to my talk!" "I can set you right!" Nope! They are far from the truth when it comes to me. I have had sixty-two years of experiences that define me. If you want to share, I will listen, but to be judged, just stop and consider there may be more and may not always be correct.
My quest on this life adventure is that of a seeker. I seek my own answers and will share what I learn. It always doesn't have to resonate with anyone, only me, for I am the seeker.
Mary - February 15, 2025

February 13, 2025
"You have it all wrong!" "You must listen to my talk!" "I can set you right!"
If you have ever encountered a parent, adult, teacher, minister, or any of the numerous spiritual leaders in this world who think they know it all, well, they don't! Even the most educated or spiritual person can only give you their understanding based on their experiences, and though they have some portion of the puzzle, they still have missing pieces in their lives. I have the missing link and am not scared to admit that.
What does it mean to be me? Easy. I sit here in a darkened room, not purposely. I was doing card readings for a select group of people I practice with. The darkened room provides excellent lighting for sending the card pulled from the phone. I am learning the Lenormand and was too lazy to turn on the light, but again, my broken toe hinders me.
Yes, without considering my surroundings, I ran into the office on Saturday to complete a task and decided to collide with a giant cat scratcher, and the scratcher won. Being that Sunday was my 25th anniversary, I was excited and surprised because who in the hell could stay with me and all I bring to the table? A Scorpion attitude, highly intuitive, empathic, living in the ether worlds, connecting with ETs, UFOs, UAPs, and government conspiracies, to name a few. Oh, and practices the magickal arts.
Now, I have an awesome guy who is the right fit. Here is a side note to our meeting. In April 1999, I wrote a list of what I wanted in a man and sent it to the Wailing Wall via thought projection. I couldn't make it, nor did I know a man who could deliver the message. As most people may know, women are not allowed to enter the wall. It's a man thing. So, 'thought projection' was the best route, and it worked! He was everything on the list but two. The height was off by a 1/2 inch, and the other is long forgotten. For those who don't know, thought projection is a practice that focuses one's thoughts and intentions on a specific outcome, believing that these thoughts will manifest in reality. Call it magick or prayer, yet on November 12th, 1999, I met the man I have been with since, and I love him more than the multiverse of possibilities.
So, to get back to where I was, before I went off the path, I ignored the situation and went on with life only to have on Monday the x-rays showing it was broken. I am now sequestered for two weeks of limited movement, which didn't pan out yesterday. Sitting still is not for me. So, today, I am in a bit of pain, and it was my choice. We all have choices; which do we choose, and what will the outcome be? And no, I don't take pain medication, so I deal with it. Such is life; interestingly enough, the universe is telling for the second time in less than two weeks, stop!
Let me transgress here; the first incident was eight days before when I collided with a crack in the asphalt in the Home Depot parking lot, twisting an ankle and my knee, bringing about swelling and bruising. Why does it always have to be the same knee? I could say, "Someone is sending me a curse," when that is far from the truth. In my belief system, a curse only works when you believe in one being sent. If acknowledged, you could give some latent energy sitting in the ether's power.
Note: I have pissed off more than one person in this lifetime, and there could be a cloud of inconclusive facts lingering out there, waiting to strike, but that is the issue of the sender, not mine. We must resolve our internal disputes within ourselves, and they should do the same with theirs. It's not about the curse but mindset and the power you give it through your belief. Nope, these two incidences were the universe saying, "Slow down!"
Slowing down when the world is flipping back and forth is hard. It is bat-shit crazy out there right now. America is falling apart at the seams. You have groups trying to control the narrative for all. Other's calling for action. Projection of division and hate. Added to this is a dusting of projected lack: prices up, prices down, bird flu, TB, social security, VA benefits, grants, and who else knows what. It is nuts! It is like the Clouds in the Lenormand being handed on a platter the size of Greenland, presenting problems, uncertainty, confusion, and even heavy weather - storms. Yes, I had to say that!
From my experience, those from the past were fine with me as long as I followed their perspective. I was booted out of five churches because I didn't see them live what they were preaching, and I called them out on it. God forbid you have to face your own lies. I was denounced from the UFO world because I didn't fit their idea of what the phenomena was all about. Like I said, I have pissed off many people. If you add to it family, friends, and networks, because I don't follow the mainstream, there are clouds lurking, but I am empowered because I believe that I am more than the situations that present themselves. And sometimes, the universe has to point that out by stopping you in your tracks so that you see the bigger picture. And that is where I am at.
So when questioned, "You have it all wrong; you need to listen, and we need to get you into the right frame of mind." I can state, "You haven't lived my life, nor do you know my experiences and what I have taken from them. You don't know my spirit, where it came from, its purpose on Earth, and the life I live." You may not have even taken the time to see my picture, even if it is foggy initially, but if you give it a chance, you may learn another viewpoint, which is neither right nor wrong.
My life is covered with a team of Angels, Spirit Guides, ETs, and Elementals. They want me to share my voice and my perspective and allow the world to hear another narrative that isn't based on the mainstream. What I share may or may not assist others, but as in all things, it is not definitive proof of anything other than a life full of adventure, intrigue, and questions. I question myself all the time. And though I may not have followed your path, I will listen. When we collaborate, allowing us to be ourselves and not dictate beliefs, we can grow as people and spiritual beings. Isn't that what it's all about? And that is what I want to share with the reader today. And if you want to share and connect without judgment, that is even better.

February 8, 2025
Let's face it: I am a spiritual energy force living in a human existence that isn't always exciting and fun. We are all spiritual energy forces who just happen to wake up one day on Earth in this not-so-perfect body.
Welcome to those who have reached my personal blog. I might share it with my daughter or anyone else in my network who has something they would like to share, but mainly, it will be me and my experiences, speculation, and wonderment about such an array of possible interpretations of what has been coined the paranormal.
Yes, I have done multiple things in my life. I have worked in the food and beverage industry, trucking, working with the elderly and disabled, and big corporations. I have attained my CNA, CDL, LMT, and Integrative Intuitive Arts degrees. I studied art and photography and taught myself computers, yet living in the mystical realms is what defines me. It is my life force.
The mysterious realms of anything that can happen don't have boundaries, so anything is possible and is. I will share my journey, what I might theorize, and its meaning to my life. It might relate to you or not. If anything, it will be fun, creative, and truthful—unimaginable yet imagined. Of course, it is the perspective through my eyes.